Transit and Power

Temperatures at the Pole during winter (March through September) are often below -70 °C (-95 °F). The LC-130 aircraft [T], powered by AN-8 jet fuel that begins to gel at -56 °C (-70 °F), are used through the summers today to ferry supplies, scientific equipment, scientists, and other visitors from McMurdo Station on Ross Island near the Antarctic Peninsula and from Christchurch, New Zealand, headquarters of the US Antarctic Program. Usually, the engines remain on at the Pole, so the fuel doesn't freeze. The LEGO model of the LC-130 is Ralph Savelsberg's design.

T: LC-130

About 80% of the output of the power plant [U] is in the form of heat, which it distributes across the base via glycol heat pumps; the balance is electricity from conventional alternators. The plant burns about 2.3 million liters (600,000 gallons) of AN-8 jet fuel annually. This amount has been flown to the Pole at a cost of 3 units burned for each unit delivered, but using the Trans-Antarctic Traverse (an ice road to McMurdo Station) promises to cut this cost to less than half a unit burned per unit delivered. The plant is about 250m downwind ("north") of the "Beer Can."
U: Power Plant
(Amundsen-Scott Station visible in background)